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Showing posts from August, 2016

Book Review: "Beyond Fundamentalism" by Reza Aslan

I didn't know what to expect when reading a book composed by one of the most prominent Muslim intellectuals of the 21st Century. For a second, I thought I was gonna read a book about the traditional tropes of radicals in the 3 Abrahamic faiths being rooted in a minority of their respective followers. The shocking thesis of Reza Aslan portrayed in this book describes a much more endemic problem: the idea of a "cosmic war" between what each radical group perceives as "good" and "evil", and how that differs and at the same time finds common ground between the 3 faiths. The backdrop of globalization further emphasizes the de-nationalization of identity and the construction of a new identity that transcends geographical and racial boundaries, whether he talks of the radical groups such as Al Qaeda, the Christian right-wing extremists in the USA, or the Zionist settler groups in the West Bank. He asserts that such a history goes back to some of the ear...

Futility in End-of-Life Care: Why the Suffering of a Brain-Dead Patient Should Uneqivocally End

You know the phrase "Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies"? I'm sure that applies to every living creature out there... except for maybe starfish because those guys don't even have heads. Anyways, I'm writing on this topic because I've come across countless cases where brain-dead patients are forced to suffer untreatable and progressive end-organ damage in a slow, agonizing death because family members and MPOA's cling to the delusional hope that, somehow, a brain that has been literally killed by anoxic injury will receive the same blessing Jesus gave to Saint Lazarus of Bethany and somehow flicker to life.  Futility  is defined by many scholars as a less than 1% chance of management success. One such scholar, Griffin Trotter, defined it as occurring in the following setting: 1. There is a goal 2. There is an action and activity aimed at achieving this goal 3. There is virtual certainty that the action will fail in achieving this goal ...