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"Dear" Pat Robertson...

Hi. How are you? I know we haven't met, but from the looks of it, I doubt that we could be friends. I am writing you this letter because I, a worshipper of God, am awed at the material fame and fortune that you have come to achieve as a host of the show, 700 Club. I must admit that this alone is quite an accomplishment, don't you agree?

Then again, there are those who rabidly follow you, because you manipulated them with money and power, and in doing so, you have shown us nothing but the fact that you're an arrogant, pompous @$$ who does nothing but offer heretical theology and have the bloody audacity to call that "Christianity". If anything, my Christian friends, all from different sects (and you name it: Anglican/Episcopal, Pentecostal, United, Methodist, Mennonite, Evangelical, Lutheran, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox), deny your legitimacy for good reason.

What makes you a bigger hypocrite is that you fanatically follow the Old Testament literally, and I doubt Jews will like your approach at all. Even some of your broadcasted rants make you sound like some End-Time heretical kook who bases much of his "prophecies" on outlandish, baseless, egotistical claims... that... what? That "God has spoken to you"? You do know that the Era of Prophecy is over? Heck, not a lot of people will find you a credible source for their spiritual advice, especially those homosexual individuals that you posed with outside a restaurant (not that I have anything against homosexual persons, though I don't find homosexuality compatible with my personal convictions)... you know, those individuals constantly targeted by your fellow hateful preacher Fred Phelps and his outrightly intolerant "God Hates Fags" campaign.

What God do you worship? You certainly don't "worship", that's for sure. You accuse us Muslims of worshipping some "Moon God" (which is an outright fallacy that defies commonsense, if you ask me) and accuse Jews of being behind some conspiracy to rule the world (ironic if you ask me, but I think you remember your old buddy, Ephraim Radner). You've villified the followers of other religions and even other Christians just because they don't follow your perversion of the religion. You also pretend to know what my religion is about, yet you have barely read the Koran, and if you have, you'd probably read intentional malicious mistranslations of it just to villify my religion. Should I take the word of those anti-Christian bigots at the Ayn Rand institute for what they say about Christianity?

Didn't think so.

You claim you know God. You claim you know Jesus. And yet at the same breath you deny everything that both God and Jesus have taught us, the humans who walk this earth. You're willing to butcher the entire non-Jewish and non-Christian world just for the sake of your precious "Israel", the people you chose to support. Tell me something: if Israel is indeed "God's Chosen Nation", why the hell did God bother to create ALL the other nations, then? You don't have any love for your fellow neighbor. You don't bless those who curse you, but curse those who have yet to bless or curse you. You worship a vengeful entity, not God, Who is Loving yet Swift in Punishment. You worship blood and money, which have got you to the fame that you enjoy right now, and are devoted to the television camera that you stand in front of daily and preach your hate (who knows? Maybe you do preach some love, but you're still irrational). You don't worship rationally, but only by blind faith to something that you alone believe is right. If you love God, stop your senseless "preaching", if that's what you call your pathetic prattling in front of a television camera at least one hour a day, and seek the Light of Religion, not the blood-money cult that you follow.

Your catastrophic and apocalyptic beliefs are unbecoming of a truly pious person. You're not concerned with how to live your life, but on how to end the lives of others just for the sake of some doubtful End-Times prophecy that is illogical to begin with. If you truly love God, you keep to His Commandments, not pretend to follow the religion and at the same time tell people of your crazy "prophecies". You're not advising people on how to be good to others, to worship God, to lead a pious life... by example, so other people could be encouraged to follow the humane principles of Christianity... but you seem to abhor these values because you don't preach them. Shame on you.

You sicken me. You disgust me. You don't have any of the humbleness indicative of a godly person. I could fill my heart with hate for you. But I choose not to, because you have filled your heart with hate for everything that isn't Pat Robertson: rightwing "fundamentalist" "Christian" extremist (and you can't even follow the fundamentals of this great religion). You are not one who practices what he preaches, and are in essence a hypocrite and a sham to your fellow preachers, though I could think of other preachers like Ted Haggard who was caught in homosexual activities (and if you throw in that stash of methamphetamine that they found in his possession, things get uglier for you and your bunch). Are you ready to fall into that trap of belligerent hypocrisy?

I instead choose to fill my heart with love for God and humanity as a whole. And yes, Pat Robertson, this is coming from a Muslim, a follower of the Religion of Islam, a religion that you illogically despise with all your heart. I apparently love Jesus more than you do because you don't follow his teachings. You think you follow Jesus and the Word that was sent down to him.

Apparently, you don't.

I'm not the only one who called out to you so you may grasp the commonsense that you fail to grasp from religion. I only pray that you are guided towards the Light and away from the Darkness that you are preaching. I'm telling you this as a person who has seen past all the BS of radicalized "End Time" teachings. Yes, there will be an End of Times, but our concern is to do our part and follow God's Commandments. That, Pat, is the right path.

And God knows best. Salaamu alaikum (Peace be upon you).

Never yours,
Saracen, the Arabian Knight


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