There really is no such thing as bad publicity let alone checks and balances against those who promote it. However, there is such a thing as intellectual dishonesty, and such ignorance is a pox on how we conduct our affairs, and it is this same ignorance that prevents us from seeing the world through a more objective lens. Nevertheless, that humans operate the media and our sources of information only adds to the subjectivity, and there is an increasing and frightening authoritarian trend to dismiss all efforts of objectivity even from within the media sources themselves. Now, more than ever, do we need a strong and objective press, even in the face of all these allegations of "fake news", a dumbed-down, infantile, thuggish, and inane accusation lobbed to dismiss all objective yet negative depictions of certain asinine, incompetent, and unscrupulous politicians. To put things in perspective, Kant spoke of noumenal and phenomenal realities, reality impervious to our subj...
Perpetual Outsider Searching for Peace of Mind