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The Real Apocalypse

It is not the most rosy topic, sure, but at least one group in every major era of history has come out with End-Times theological ramblings. From the Sumerians and Mayans to the terrorist groups and evangelical zealots of today, the Apocalypse has become a subject of controversy, satire, and foreboding. The Mahdis and Messiahs of prophecies passed on long ago are starting to look more and more wanting. Ultimately, it is the battle between "Good" and "Evil", "Order" and "Chaos", or what-have-you that will decide the fate of this world in the years to come. Wolves in sheepskin and other Anti-Christ-like figures have surfaced to the forefront of political discussion. Demons and Demon-worship have become topics of popular culture, even to the extent of glorification. Clerics espouse ideologies centered on hate and discord, at the same time warning of an impending slaughter that will spare no home, school, or hospital. Dishonesty is becoming the way of the world, and the Good Samaritan is vilified as one who has an ulterior motive. Even those who espouse "good deeds" and announcing it to the world seem to be in it for themselves more than anything. The news is abuzz with the victories of unscrupulous politicians, the continuing yet sadly unnoticeable massacres in failed city-states and countries, and the economic downturns and woes of the less privileged. Yes, we really are in for a world of hurt in the next few years, but what is the source of it? By extension, what is the process, this event, that we refer to as the Apocalypse?

It is the Apocalypse that is brewing within our bodies, our minds, and our souls.

Through the reading of stories, fables, myths, and anecdotes, one can find the relevant humanity inherent in them. The Apocalypse is one that tells the tales of unspeakable horrors, gibbering nightmares, demons disguised as angels, and bloodshed. It talks of the never-ending ultimate battle between that which is "Good" and of "Order" and that which is "Evil" and of "Chaos". These are forces that we don't just battle on the outside, but also on the inside. Our bodies are on the fight against sickness, our minds on the verge of insanity, and our souls on the brink of darkness. It's not the End of the World, but for you? You can see it from where you stand. You struggle to learn and fend off ignorance, to work and battle insecurity, to exercise and ward off sickness, and to love and stop the hate. Any of those could spell the difference between 4 more years or 4 more seconds. There is nothing more penultimate than the End, no matter what faith or lack thereof you ascribe to. These battles are represented by the many angels and demons we see within and without. The parables of old that speak of the struggle of the godly folk against the ungodly echo in the daily interactions of life. Life itself is a constant struggle that forges strength in one's soul as the weaknesses weasel their way out. The process of Evolution itself is a battle that sees the strongest and more fit as the ones able to survive.

Even scarier is today's political scene, where corrupt politicians grow ever closer to the nuclear launch codes that could spell the end of humanity as we know it. While the largely indifferent masses huddle together with their smartphones and tablets, tempers flare as job markets around the world grow smaller, with people getting laid off as those at the top seek to maximize their fortunes and minimize their costs, giving in to their inner demons and exposing the vulnerable and less fortunate masses to the persuasions of radicals, charlatans, and other minions of the forces of evil and chaos (not that their so-called "superiors" are any better). Politicians can take advantage of these masses and rile them up against what they perceive to be "problems", divesting their interests away from their own get-rich-quick schemes and goals. True examples are seen in American politics today, such as that old supremacist bigot Donald Trump. Take for example his campaign to ban Muslims and call for a wall to be built on the Mexican border. Seeking the populace of disenfranchised Americans who feel like their jobs are being "taken away" from them (a subject for another time), he riles them up in a hurricane of fervor and fanaticism, seeking out the worst in humanity and literally summoning the inner demons swimming in their veins to the fore. We've all seen the results of his "rallies": violent mobs of deadbeats and bigots are emboldened further, sinking world public opinion of America back into the Dark Ages. Truly, it is a bleak picture if such an unscrupulous oaf such as Trump does indeed gain power.

Ultimately, it is the faith and sanity of the individual that makes all the difference. By being an example and not adding fuel to the fire, one can become a calming force in a storm of violence, hate, and unbridled anger. Yes, it is a tough fight that people go through, with dark thoughts swimming in the murky waters of common discourse. However, simply resisting these inclinations and holding on to faith - faith in humanity - will win the day. There are only so many facets to an individual, and each facet itself is on the tipping point, an edge if you will. It is an edge that gets narrower and more dangerous as the days go by.

So, in summation, the actual Apocalypse - at least what I believe - is years away, but is being hastened by many. The Real Apocalypse is an invisible war that is fought in the hearts and minds of many, the consummate battleground of those in power and those who seek it. You may have it easy or difficult, but you're all fighting this battle.

And I pray that you come out better for it.


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